Women Health

Home Remedies for Irregular Menstruation

A  normal menstrual cycle varies from 28 to 35 days. But if your periods are out of schedule, longer or shorter than expected time, then we call it irregular periods or irregular menstruation.  Irregularity of periods describes some unhealthy habits or underlying disease which causes this irregularity. Treatment depends on finding out what’s causing your… Continue reading Home Remedies for Irregular Menstruation

Beauty, Women Health

Acne: Causes and Treatment

The most common irritating and cosmetically annoying problem of all times are PIMPLES. And  now the favorite question from where and why they come? Let's dig into this, What is Acne? Skin outbreaks because of plugged hair follicle with whiteheads or blackheads causes acne on face, neck, chest and upper back. Acne is not a serious… Continue reading Acne: Causes and Treatment